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What does this mean?

Postby EXKouga-MK5 » Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:04 am

[7:49] * Connecting to irc.blessed.net (6665)
[7:49] * [10053] Software caused connection abort
[7:49] * Disconnected

It happens everytime I try to use irc.blessed.net. Am I banned or something?

I also get unable to connect to irc.he.net because it says "Connection Refused." irc.prison.net closes the connection shortly after connecting!

irc.wh.verio says "Banned Drones" when I have never used autoget scripts or anything. How did this happen? I have never used any servers except for irc.limelight.net and irc.blessed.net
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Postby slushey » Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:09 am

This is an error that mIRC will give you when it gets disconnected irradically. Try irc.nac.net and irc.servercentral.net they're preety open too ;)
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Postby munky » Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:39 pm

connection refused, you should try another port. specifically, 6667 (if you are trying 6665)

software caused connection abort is usually caused by some sort of no route to hose or tcp reset. it's either a problem with your computer (not likely, if other servers work), or you simply don't have a route to the server.

"banned drones" is either because you (or someone that previously had your IP, if you are dhcp) were probably at one point infected with an irc drone. try the cleaner to scan your system for irc drones.
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Postby junkiexl » Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:47 pm

If you're still having 10053 winsock errors, download my text file & a few tweaks in windows registry will cure it...these have been proven on at least 15 Win2k & XP boxes.
I was getting that frigging error every 4 minutes, 24-7; not once since this fix (2 months ago) :shock:
Most isp/ip geeks including myslef, suspect the error resulted from either:
1. installation of mirc6.15 or 2. a bug in one of the hundreds of MS critical updates we have been force-fed this summer...either way, it is certainly a tcp problem resulting from incorrect, incompatible or nonexistent syn/ack settings in the Win reg, especially if you are plugged into a braodband pipe.

cheers & good luck :wink:
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Postby Pills » Sun Sep 05, 2004 10:27 pm

Just a note; like anything else in the forums, we're not responsible for any files posted. I'm not saying the above file is bad, but in case something goes wrong, don't blame us!
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