D-Line help

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D-Line help

Postby MissB » Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:21 am

I've been having trouble connecting to irc.efnet.org. Just today, I've been getting this message:

[01:14:16] ERROR You have been D-lined.

I tried /admin irc.efnet.org but it says there's no such server. Did efnet.org go down? :O

I was reading FAQ and I still don't understand waht's going on. It said it's supposed to give you a reason but I don't get any besides "Error". This has been going on for the past day or so. If there any solutions to this, please let me know.
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Postby lucy » Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:49 pm

go here to get a list of servers:

and over on the left is a list of round robin servers by regions.
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Re: D-Line help

Postby wundr » Sat Aug 28, 2004 2:13 pm

MissB wrote:I've been having trouble connecting to irc.efnet.org. Just today, I've been getting this message:

[01:14:16] ERROR You have been D-lined.

I tried /admin irc.efnet.org but it says there's no such server. Did efnet.org go down? :O

I was reading FAQ and I still don't understand waht's going on. It said it's supposed to give you a reason but I don't get any besides "Error". This has been going on for the past day or so. If there any solutions to this, please let me know.
Just to add to what lucy already said, irc.efnet.org is not and has never been the name of a server on the network. Right now, the "irc.efnet.org" hostname seems to point to irc.avalonworks.ca. Look at the link that lucy gave you to see a list of actual servers on the network. The "round robins" that lucy mentioned are also not names of actual servers on the network, but they are domain names that point to a number of servers on the network, letting you connect to them semi-randomly. Once you connect to the network, you should /whois yourself to see exactly which server you are really connected to.

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