Moderator: Website/News Moderators delinks
It has been a bad month for servers on efnet, as the third one now announces it`s delink. The sponsor of has decided to pull the link after 6 years on EFnet. The server was initially linked in July 2003. Thank you to the sponsor and staff of, and we wish them all good luck in the future.
Re: delinks
It's been a bad month for EFnet links. Shame to see a Canadian server go. :(
- prez @ efnet, dalnet & quakenet.
- prez @ efnet, dalnet & quakenet.
Re: delinks
If the little DDoS attack kiddies keep it up, there will likely be more servers going away.
I guess this is what they want.
I guess this is what they want.
Re: delinks
what will they do then? they won't have any more servers to host their drones on!
Re: delinks
That kind of mindset does not look that far ahead.
Re: delinks
You can't blame ddos attacks on these long-time servers delinking. Perhaps you could look at the current administration of EFnet as to why the servers are pulling out.
Without EFnet the 'kiddies' can just do what the rest of EFnets current administration has been doing and just run to the other irc networks to ruin them as well.
Without EFnet the 'kiddies' can just do what the rest of EFnets current administration has been doing and just run to the other irc networks to ruin them as well.
Re: delinks
I'd have to disagree with you on that 'opinion'. If you truly believed that, then why do you still get on efnet or even look through this forum? While there is some 'bad' opers, the majority of opers and admins have always been helpful in my experiences. Its kiddies, like you probably, that ruin a network and sometimes cause the delinking of servers because you measure your penis size by the amount of ddos'ing you do.
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