this is why nac will be held down until its perm delinked unless oz loses his o:line
[23:58] * cquel (host removed per forum rules) has joined #unf
[23:59] * _boom gives channel operator status to cquel
[23:59] * cquel (ibid) has left #unf
01:28] * oz sets ban on *!*@ibid
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from _boom
[01:28] * oz sets ban on *!*@ibid
[01:28] * oray has kicked _boom from #unf (ev!k unwanted!)
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from abigal b00m beleth bloodbath
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from boom charun drekavac focalor
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from foras furies gaderel iblis
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from idlez jinn labal lechies
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from lena lilu lucy` lyuba
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from marax moloch naberius naphula
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from ninurta notidlez nova- obizoth
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from orabas oray oriax osb
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from paimon pazuzu phenex procell
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from psoglav pthious rahab raum
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from salpsan samael set sorgat
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from steve stolas stuhac suka
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from tannin torn- tuyal utukku
[01:28] * oz removes channel operator status from velefar
[01:28] * oz sets mode +m #unf
[01:28] * oz sets mode +i #unf
[01:28] * oz has changed the topic to: i see.
[01:38] * cquel has quit (Killed (oz (you act 12, grow up.)))
01:38] * oz sets ban on *!*@ibid
[01:38] idlez oz, pm
[01:38] * oz removes channel operator status from idlez
[01:38] * oz sets ban on *!*@ibid
[01:38] * You have been kicked from #chanfix by oz (prevail[1214])
i kept joining with different idents, different nicks, he kept banning me. i pm'd him from my home ip, which was not in any channels and then
[02:04] * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
[02:09] stips .---------------------------------------------------------------.
[02:09] stips | Topic: enjoy your kiddie channel without ops
[02:09] stips | SetBy: ibid Mon, Feb 28 2011 at 3:31pm
[02:09] stips '---------------------------------------------------------------'
oper abuse much?
oper abuse by OZ on nac
Moderators: Website/Forum Admins, EFnet/General Moderators
Re: oper abuse by OZ on nac
ya, no replies from you admins huh? you wonder why your servers get hit...
ask oz.
ask oz.
Re: oper abuse by OZ on nac
Get rid of the reckless tyrant already.
My name is Jesus, and I authenticate and approve this message.
My name is Jesus, and I authenticate and approve this message.
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