was one of the *BEST* efnet servers, but it delinking was for the better. Everytime they get packeted, thats lost revenue for the isp thats hosting the service (even if they don't get dropped completly..)
now to my point ->
Many efnet opers like to abuse op's, and every other oper knows its happening (we know you see the server messages everytime a bunk kill or ban is set)
Two things i have seen most recently are:
* Threatening to jupe channels/juping channels cause you dont' like somebody.
* banning, or killing a host cause you think the vhost is "lame" and other 'no real reason' excuses..
* killing nicks to 'own' it and stick an abusive bot on it with a 'bad' realname to make the real person look like an idiot (joining it to gay channels if they are straight?)
i could go on for ever.. but you get the picture..
i would never say that efnet deserves to get ddos'd cause i feel for the server admins.. but i would guantree 50% of the time efnet is ddos'd , its cause of a stupid oper taking advantage of his o:line.
unless this is addressed soon, i am sure the attacks will continue. When efnet admins will get a clue and kick the lame ircops , is anybodys guess.
Most of your attacks can stop, don't you want to save your network? sure this will only filter a *big* percentage, but its a start.. There is no way to block all attacks, but you can stop lots
