Hey guys, a bunch of us have been wondering lately if it would be possible for an admin here to add a 'SEND' or 'POST' button to the Efnet.Org WebChat..
This would make it possible for all of us nerds that own Nintendo Wiis to be able to chat on EFNet via the console itself, and that'd be quite uber.
I've taken a look at the guts of CGI:IRC myself, but am no expert when it comes to such things, and haven't been able to figure out a way to add said button..
I think it could potentially be a totally rad idea, allowing a ton of users access to EFNet from their consoles.. I've been checking around and have yet to find any sort of chat interface that's actually useable for connections to EFNet, so you guys would probably be the first to impliment it (and there would be much rejoicing).
Anyways, just a thought.. or prayer, really.. Let us know if this is at all possible!
WebChat Request..
Moderators: Website/Forum Admins, Website/Ideas/Suggestions Moderators
according to dgl, the primary developer, his friend was able to get online with a stock cgi:irc, no mods, and it worked fine.
though with the post button, jt was able to get online from his wii, join #efnet.org, and posted a test message:
though with the post button, jt was able to get online from his wii, join #efnet.org, and posted a test message:
08:31 <n00b420> hi
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