Hopefully I don't step on any toes here, but I would like to comment that I personally prefer the old efnet.org website. The new layout and color scheme is harder to read.
I would like to suggest though, since you are most likely going to stay with the new layout that you add timestamps to the news posts on the front page.
meh, it's growing on me. It's just harder to read on dull old lcds.
New website
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[06:11:37 pm] > when did u change the design of efnet.org?
[06:11:44 pm] <netmunky> few days ago
[06:11:44 pm] > why did i not get this memo?
[06:11:54 pm] <netmunky> because the memo was on efnet.org?
[06:11:59 pm] > gotcha.
[06:12:10 pm] > you've not updated the forum yet heh
[06:12:16 pm] > btw, black... very 1998.
[06:12:29 pm] <netmunky> i didn't make the design, i just merged it with our code
[06:12:34 pm] <orange1> that's right, getting back to the roots of IRC
[06:12:52 pm] > yeah, totally ghetto
[06:12:53 pm] <orange1> next iteration will be viewable in lynx
- HM2K - https://hm2k.org/
Re: New website
i just wanna say that this forum design is the best looking one i've ever seen.
way to go!
way to go!
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